Dr Alfred M. Wu is Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian and Policy Studies at The Hong Kong Institute of Education. He earned his PhD from City University of Hong Kong, where he was the recipient of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship and the Outstanding Academic Performance Awards for Research Degree Students. Before joining the Department, Dr Wu served as a senior research associate in the Department of Public and Social Administration at City University of Hong Kong, and from 2000-2007 served as a senior journalist in Mainland China, where he received over a dozen awards and honours for outstanding journalism both from Chinese and overseas organizations.
Dr Wu’s research interests include public sector reform, central-local fiscal relations, corruption and governance, and social protection in Greater China. Dr Wu has published in internationally peer reviewed journals such as World Development, Public Choice, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Review of Public Personnel Administration, and the Journal of Contemporary China. |